This was a much more laid back class. We made Chocolate Heaven cookies, which are similar to the coconut-almond cookies I made for Christmas, and chocolate-pecan-cranberry and white chocolate cookies we make at Magnolia. We melted all the chocolate and butter together, and then added them to whipped eggs and flavorings, folding in the dry ingredients at the end. I don't know if there is a name to this method, but it yields a soupy batter, that when is baked yields glossy intensely flavored cookies. I thought these Chocolate Heaven cookies were pretty tasty - I liked the addition of pecans and coffee extract (to be honest though, the ones I made with coconut and almond extract at home was pretty booooooomb).
We also made mini fruit tartlets. There's nothing gayer than a mini fruit tart! I didn't understand why we were doing these, it was just a different combination of things we had already done before. Pate brissee, with creme legere (pastry cream combined with whipped cream to make, as far as I am concerned, vanilla pudding) with fruit cut and arranged on top. Of all the fruit tart combos though, I probably liked this one the best. It was light, I like the brisee dough, and if the fruit had been a bit more ripe it would have been perfect. Again, I love segmenting those oranges!