Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Adam's Lemon Tart

As if Adam didn't get enough for his birthday, I decided to make him a lemon tart as well. I made it using Alice Medrich's recipe from her book Pure Dessert. I have mentioned this book a few times, and it is one of my favorite resources for recipes.

While I was making the dough for the crust- which was simply sugar, salt, melted butter, and flour, mixed together and then patted into the pan - I decided to throw some dried lavender in. Which turned out to be a great idea. Just about 1/2 tsp really added a light perfume to the crust that complimented the lemon well.

I served the tart with glazed strawberries, and strawberry-vanilla soft whipped cream. Adam loved it, as did I. It was nice and lemony and tart, without being too sweet. The crust was crispy, and the lemon curd was pretty thin on the tart.

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