Thursday, August 20, 2009

The only thing I like to smoke is SALMON!

Adam and I made a trip to Russ & Daughters on the LES for our fill of fishy Jewishy things. Let's just say we had our fill, and were wholly satisfied. While there, I picked up a "super heeb": an everything bagel with whitefish salad, horseradish cream cheese, and wasabi infused flying fish roe.  It was fucking awesome! We also got some pastrami salmon, smoked mackerel, sable, and lemon-pepper yellowfin tuna. And blintzes.

While R & D has survived the changing LES (they own the building) I can't help but feel sad that I missed an era when we didn't have to cherish places like it.  I guess New York will always change, I just hope that the standard of quality food does not. Oh wait, I forgot how much shitty food is in NY.

Oh and that top loin of salmon in the "salmon porn" picture was so pristine it looked like it was made out of wax. The picture in no way reflects what it is like to be in the presence of such beauty. 

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